Whatsapp: +919535771669 Email: care@bangaloreagrico.in

Monthly Lucky Draw – Win Rs 4000 plants

Please fill in your information to be considered for monthly lucky draw.  Winners will be awarded with Rs 3999 worth plants free and free delivery.

Terms and conditions:

  1. One person can fill the form only once. They will be considered for every month’s draw.
  2. No duplicate entry allowed. We will check for duplication before finalizing winner.
  3. Winners will be announced before 10 of every month via website.
  4. Bangalore Agrico’s decision will be final
  5. Buy filling the form allowing us to contact you via email or whatsapp or sms occassionally
  6. You can send a mail or message “opt out Bangalore Agrico” to remove you from further messaging.
  7. No winning is guaranteed but we make best efforts to find a winner every month.
  8. Those who filling proper information will get coupons or gift cards occasionally which is guaranteed.
  9. Bangalore Agrico may cancel or stop this scheme any time without prior notice

Privacy policy:

  1. Bangalore Agrico won’t sell or rent your personal information any manner
  2. Bangalore Agrico or Towncraft Agrico Pvt Ltd may send periodical information such as news letter or product offers
  3. We won’t display your information publicly.